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Small Business SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

One of the first things that all businesses should start with is a website. For your business’ credibility and profitability, it’s imperative to have a website that stands out across amongst fierce competition to appear on the first page of search engine results. To get your business to the first page of results and garner more traffic to your website and products, you’ll have to optimise your website and the content you have available with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Here at MBP, we’ve just launched our new website and as such, have also had the chance to update our SEO. So, we wanted to share some quick tips on how you can improve your business’ website’s SEO:

Have Personalised Content

Make sure all your content is 100% unique and attributed to your business’ branding, services or offerings and tone of voice. If you copy or re-write content from an existing source, search engines will filter through the website and give out penalties for similarities. This means that your page may be pushed further back int he list of results, making it more difficult to gaining organic traffic to your website. Ensure that you take the time to brainstorm and write original content. You can also use online writing tools, like Grammarly, to check against any plagiarism online. 

Use Keywords

Take the time to brainstorm unique words and phrases that best reflect or represent your business, and use them in your website’s copy so that it optimises results on search engines. Consider specific keywords that your potential customers may be searching online and add it into your written content. The more precise and detailed you can be, the more chances you’ll have of appearing on the first few pages of search engine results based on your business industry. 

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Use Visuals

Optimise your website with visual content! Not only will this make the page more engaging for your viewers, but you can actually increase your SEO through them. The first step is to ensure that you consider your target audience and what they’d expect to see. Think about the type of content, whether images, videos or graphics, they might like. The idea is to ensure that audiences who visit your website are intrigued enough to continue to explore everything on it. The longer someone’s session is on your website, the better your chances are of receiving higher ranked search engine results. Also, be sure to name all your visuals with their subject . For example, don’t upload an image of your florist business’ beautiful flowers as ‘IMG_3424.jpg’. Instead, be descriptive and name it something like ‘tulips_bouquet.jpg’. It’s important to create keyword-based names so that search engines are able to load your images in their image searches. This will ensure that audiences can find your business through related images and videos, not just regular search engines. 

Would you rather leave your SEO needs to the experts? Contact us today! Or learn more about SEO with another one of our informative blog posts.